Monthly Archives: December 2014

Big Kite Redux: Photos from Below

This is a quick follow-up on the six-foot-tall kite featured in the prior post. Several readers wanted to see the kite itself, but we didn’t take any photos of (as opposed to from) it. Today, however, I discovered that my son Liam had taken a 10-second video of it on his...


Play in Action: Kite Experiment at Lane’s Island

This is the fifth post in my creativity series and the last devoted to Dr. Stuart Brown’s ideas on the subject of play. This week, it’s a personal tale of play, with a video to illustrate it:   Like too many people my age, I forget to play. Certainly,...


Murder, Risk, and Creativity

This is my fourth post about creativity and its origins in play, as Dr. Stuart Brown  presents the concept in his book Play (Avery Press, 2009). Ironically, Brown’s interest in play derived from research into Charles Whitman’s killing of 14 people at the University of Texas, Austin, in 1966,...
